To the editor:
Recently, I received a mailed correspondence from the Yachats Rural Fire Protection District for its proposed local option tax measure on the Nov. 2 ballot. What a joke.
The YRFPD wants us to pay additional property taxes for their mismanagement of the current property taxes, bestowed on all of us. The “nicely put” information makes it appear it will only cost each household/property taxpayer an additional set amount per month. If you calculate it at a per-year dollar figure, it becomes an enormous amount that is being assessed for each property.
Using the same figures in the YRFPD flyer for a home valued at $200,000 the new additional yearly tax would be $300 in November 2021, $612 in November 2022, $492 in November 2023, and $492 in November 2024. These are additional taxes that most of us in this community cannot afford on our fixed incomes.
Keep in mind, our regular property taxes have a built-in inflation fighter of a 2-3 percent increase per year, which was approved in Salem, some time ago.
We need to defeat this measure or all of us in this community will pay a higher price for our YRFPD as we did with the new fire station.
— John Bonnar/Yachats
I’m with you John. Enough is enough. I feel like I am being taxed out of my home thanks to situations like this.